The simple definition of this term is the management of change and development within a business or organization. You could take it a step further and say it refers to the identification and implementation of required changes within an organization’s computer system. In a nutshell, change management is an implementation of strategies for effecting and controlling change, then helping people to adapt to that change.

We get it: no one likes change. You may be set in your ways doing things the way they’ve always been done. But those old ways of doing things may be holding you back from making advancements in your field, negatively impacting your bottom line and slowing down productivity.

If it’s one thing we know here at Cardinal Technology Solutions, it’s that change can be beneficial, especially when it adds value to your business through increased efficiency or cost savings. From printer integrations to workstation integrations to server integrations, we not only implement these changes for you, but we also ensure the changes in your environment do not disrupt your services or the flow of business.

Successful organizational change management is built on the premise that change is the new constant. Sadly, about 50 percent of all organizational change initiatives are unsuccessful, according to Harvard Business School. Knowing how to plan for, implement, and coordinate change is a valuable skill for all business leaders. But sometimes you need help. Having a plan in place to ensure your efforts do not fail is key.

Change Management Process: 5 Steps

There are five steps, give or take, to the change management process.

1. Prepare for change

In order to successfully pursue and implement change, your organization has to be prepared for the effort, both logistically and culturally. Cultural preparation can ensure the best business outcome. In this phase, business leaders such as managers help employees recognize and understand the need for any given change, raising awareness of the challenges that could come with it, but also the benefits. Gaining the trust of employees is vital in successfully introducing the change while removing the chance for friction later on.

2. Create a vision

Once your company is ready to embrace change, it’s time to come up with a comprehensive, realistic, strategic plan to bring it to fruition. In your plan, be sure to outline:

  • Strategic goals (what your organization hopes to work toward)
  • Key performance indicators (what the current baseline is and how success will be measured going forward)
  • Project team (who will oversee the implementation of change)
  • Project scope (what steps and actions are included in the project, and what are not)

A structured approach is applauded, but always plan wiggle room for roadblocks that may come up, and the flexibilities needed to overcome those issues.

3. Set the changes in motion

Now that you know the steps for implementation, it’s time to set those into motion. Empowerment of employees by change managers is key in achieving the goals of your initiative. This includes setting sights on long-term goals but also celebrating short-term wins as well. If roadblocks are encountered, take steps to mitigate them. Constant communication of the company’s vision should be a focus throughout the process to avoid resistance to change.

4. Embed the changes

It’s human nature to revert to the status quo, especially when the stated change becomes difficult and challenging. This is why it’s important to embed the change into your company’s workflow and indeed the very culture. The last thing you want after coming all this way is to revert to the “old way” of doing things.

When you consciously embed changes within your culture, you’re making it harder to permit backsliding.

5. Review progress

You may have completed your change, but this doesn’t necessarily indicate success. There’s still more work to be done in the form of analysis and review. Only then will you be able to know for certain whether or not the change initiative brought about success, failure, or mixed results. In the process, you will also gain valuable insights you can use to power future change efforts.

Leading change management successfully requires asking for, and accepting, help. By gaining the necessary tools to implement change and make sure your new plan stays the course, it’s important to lay the groundwork now to hone the skills you will need going forward. Cardinal Technology Solutions can be your catalyst for change.

Request a Quote on Change Management From Cardinal Technology Solutions

The team at Cardinal Technology Solutions can help your team acclimate to a new printer, workstation, or server system in the most seamless way possible, without negatively affecting your operations. Technology should empower your business, not interrupt it! To learn more, get a free quote today.